
Knowing that you’re not alone can go a long way toward helping you heal. In my group programs, we explore the same limitations and beliefs that have held us back as we do in my one-on-one coaching but with the support of others who face similar challenges.

What to expect out of a group coaching session:

I love working with motivated, energetic groups of women who are ready to live life differently. My group programs are available a few times a year and are designed to move people through a structured program that will help you take greater charge of your life.

Whatever your challenge, wherever you are, together we’ll move from depleted to confident, impactful, and fierce.

If you’re ready to find a community of women who will support and cheer you on as we journey within, share your email and we’ll put you on the waitlist.

By being on the waitlist, you’re making sure that you get first access and special prices for my workshops, coaching programs, and live retreats.