group coaching for women

If you want to inspire people, don’t show them your strength. Show them theirs.

Hi, I’m Suzette Bravo.


My journey to radical self-love and acceptance started about a year after my husband passed away.

That loss dropped me to my knees and nearly destroyed me. I had no idea who I was or who I wanted to be. I felt like a stranger in my own life. I fell into a dark trance for almost a year before I woke up and realized something had to change.

I dove headfirst into the world of self-development and went about fixing all the shit that was “wrong” with me. I earned certifications in health and wellness, coaching, and physical training. But I was very much focused on the “doing” part of growth and transformation and only scratched the surface of deep wounds and unresolved trauma that I had been avoiding my whole life.

I knew that this approach wasn’t serving me. I just had no idea what I needed. I found an amazing trauma-informed therapist and committed to doing the deep healing work. I stopped beating myself up and I became curious about who I really was and what I truly desired in my life.

coaching for women
female life coach miami

I stopped hating myself. I connected to my inner child, my childhood wounds, and the shame and guilt I’d been living with. I began to love myself—all of myself— even the parts with the sharp edges.

I embraced all of it and the healing that followed completely transformed my life. My journey has been a wild, soul-enriching ride. I’ve learned priceless lessons, experienced unexpected revelations, and shared many tender moments of vulnerability that have guided me to embrace my most authentic, radiant being.

It was here that I felt called to help other women. Women who struggled in the same way I was. The support and guidance that I received from my coaches, my therapist, my family, and my friends have played a critical role in my healing.

I believe that when we move through darkness and pain, we come out with gifts and wisdom. We are meant to share that with others who may still be searching for their own way through.

That’s why I’m here and that’s why I do what I do. You are not alone. You are not broken. Everything that you need to live the extraordinary life you desire is within you right now.

Have a similar story?


Leading by example through the power of story.

Through my coaching practice and the work I do with at-risk youth, I’ve come to believe our stories hold wisdom and guidance for others walking a similar path. If you’re looking for a profound and personal message that inspires lasting change, browse through my speaking topics. I’ll take you and your guests on a narrative journey that shows them how to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and create an extraordinary life worth living.

  • The Intersection of Self-Love and Self-Leadership: A Blueprint for Fulfillment

    From Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence: How to Harness the Power of Self-Leadership

    Finding Your Voice: Self-Leadership and the Power of Authenticity

    Overcoming Obstacles: Self-Leadership Strategies for Resilience and Adaptability

    Resilience and Mental Health: Strategies for Maintaining Emotional Well-Being

    The Journey of Grief: Coping with Loss and Finding Meaning in the Process

    From Victim to Thriving: How to Overcome Trauma and Reclaim Your Life

    Mindfulness and Trauma: Techniques for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience

    Leading by Example: How to Cultivate Self-Awareness and Inspire Others to Follow

    Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Self-Leadership Strategies for Building Confidence and Self-Worth

    Self-Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: How to Build Strong Relationships in the Workplace

    Leading Your Life: How to Develop Self-Leadership Skills for a Fulfilling and Purposeful Life


Find fulfillment in your own self-worth.

You know you’re meant for greatness, but you feel stuck or unsure of how to move forward. I've been there and I've got you! My coaching packages are tailor-made for ambitious individuals who are ready to unlock their potential, ignite their passion, and make their mark on the world. Through transformational guidance and coaching, we’ll dive into your gifts, purpose, and dreams to break free from limitations and step into your full potential.

  • Unveil Your Authentic Self
    We'll kick things off by peeling back the layers to reveal the true essence of who you are. Through deep reflection and powerful questioning, we'll explore your unique strengths, passions, and values that make you the incredible person you are.

    Cultivate Self-Love
    We'll work on embracing the beauty and power already within you. By cultivating self-love and self-compassion, you'll learn to honor and appreciate the person you are today while nurturing the growth and evolution of the person you're destined to become.

    Overcome Obstacles
    We'll identify any limiting beliefs, fears, or patterns that hold you back. We'll work together to create practical strategies to overcome these challenges, allowing you to move forward with confidence and conviction.

    Action and Accountability
    Together, we'll co-create an action plan to help you achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality. I'll be your biggest cheerleader and provide support, encouragement, and accountability every step of the way.

    Own Your Worth
    Finally, we'll empower you to step into your newfound sense of self-worth and take inspired action toward your dreams. By owning your worth and aligning your actions with your desires, you'll create a life filled with love, joy, and success.

Kind words from the community

Suzette has helped me establish a rhythm in my personal and professional life that I did not know possible. Our sessions are productive, restorative, and incredibly worthwhile. We tackle some challenges I am facing, which allow me to feel all my emotions and pick up myself with strength and hope. One of my favorite part of our sessions is how Suzette, can understand my feelings and give me advices based on her life events, I find empathy and support. I truly feel accomplished after our sessions thanks to Suzette's effort to connect with me and guide me throughout. I can honestly say I leave with such a peaceful feeling and look forward to our next session. I recommend Suzette wholeheartedly! Thank you for all you do.

— Val

Your webinar on self-sabotage was an incredible turning point in my life. I had no idea how I was my own worst enemy!  Through your guidance and insights, I have been able to reconnect with my true self and I’ve learned to approach myself with more compassion and less judgement. For the first time in my life, I’m not beating myself up 24/7 and it feels so damn good!  Your course has been transformative, and I am forever grateful for the positive change it has brought into my life.

— alice

Before working with you, I was stuck. It was like I was on autopilot, not even realizing how much these things were holding me back. But you helped me shine a light on all of that. Your insights, wisdom, and uncanny ability to cut through the noise have been nothing short of magical. I'm finally able to step into my own power and trust my gut. I wanted to let you know that your coaching has been a game-changer for me. Your infectious energy, unwavering support, and straight-to-the-point advice have made our sessions both enlightening and fun. Your passion for empowering others is truly inspiring, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with you.

— lisa