“Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.” —unknown

You feel it stirring.

Black clouds loom on the horizon. There’s a storm coming, and you’ve got a decision to make. You know you can outrun it again. You’ve been running ahead of it your whole life. 

But this time feels different. This time, YOU feel different.

What if this time, you stay? What if this time, instead of running, you lean into the storm?  

What if, this time, you kick off your shoes and dance in the rain? Put your face to the sky and feel the droplets wash over you. Feel it cleanse your soul. Feel the wind through your hair. Let it take your resistance, your fear, and your self-doubt.  

Let the storm take it all. 

“When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person that walked in. That is what the storm is about.” —Haruki Marakami

Here’s what I learned about storms, they pass. Ever look at the sky after a thunderstorm? The colors are magnificent. There’s peacefulness after the chaos, and it’s a beautiful thing.  

Storms disrupt, they uproot, and they shake things up. The same thing happens when the storm inside you rumbles to the surface. And when it does, grab hold of something, sister, because shit is about to get real.  

I remember feeling like I was living someone else’s life. Like everything around me was built from someone else’s expectations of who they wanted me to be. My world was about performance, external validation and outside reward. I had no idea how to love myself, so I sought love everywhere but within. I had known for a long time that something was missing and I spent years immersed in the self-help world, desperately trying to “fix” myself.  Running in circles and chasing my tail and never getting where I wanted to be.  II would never find what I was looking for “out there” to find what I was seeking, there was only one way. I had to go within. I knew I needed to stand and face my storm.

And there it was. A decision. A commitment to myself.

You know that feeling when you’re on a roller coaster and the car is climbing the hill.  You’re excited, and nervous and dreading it all at the same time.  The energy inside of you is building with each click, and just when you think you can’t take one more click, suddenly, the ride takes off and you’re holding on for dear life.  You can fight it, or you can enjoy it, but you can’t stop it. You’re in it, and it’s happening. Enjoy the ride and don’t fall out.

This was how it felt as I stepped into what this decision meant for me.

It takes courage to shed your skin, and it takes a brave soul to be willing to be reborn. It takes fearlessness to look deep within and call out what needs to be called out. It takes desire and passion. It takes a willingness to face yourself with compassion and without judgment. And it takes a LOT of Love.

There’s no certainty in this process. If you’re waiting for someone to show up with a map and an invitation, you will be waiting a very long time. Growth is all about getting comfortable with being really fucking uncomfortable.

The call to awaken and step forward is a sacred calling. It’s one that only you can answer for yourself. The storm will rock you to your core, but what lies on the other side is a special kind of peace and freedom.  

As you move through this phase of growth, my best advice is to approach it with grace. You don’t need to have all the answers to take a step, and it’s okay to move around while you’re still in the dark. Allow yourself some time to sit with the unknowing. Make friends with the uncertainty, you’re going to be spending a lot of time together. Accept it. I know that sounds really scary, but it’s the only way. This work is not about strategy. This work is about trust and faith in yourself. Knowing that all that you need is already within. Maybe it’s buried, but it’s there.  

With Love, 💕


It’s been a minute since my last blog. There’s been a lot going on, and writing took a temporary back seat. (I’ll share lots about this as we move forward!) I’m back, and I’ve got a lot to say! 

Thanks for returning if you’ve been here before. If this is your first time, welcome to the club! I’m so happy you’re here. I love sharing my thoughts, ideas, and stories with you and even more, I love to hear how the stories land for you. 

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy creating them. Please share with your friends and leave any comments or questions below. Much Love! SB 


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